Call for SSIEM Editorial Associates with the Journal of Inherited Metabolic Disease
Editorial Associates with the Journal of Inherited Metabolic Disease and
JIMD Reports: Invitation for expressions of interest
Dear SSIEM Members
Expressions of interest are invited for Editorial Associate positions with the Editorial Team of the Journal of Inherited Metabolic Disease and JIMD Reports.
The successful applicant(s) will spend an initial period of 3 months joining the daily work of the JIMD/JIMDR Editorial Team. The term may be extended at the discretion of the Editors in Chief.
This role offers successful candidates insights into the editing process and will help prepare those who may wish to serve as a journal editor subsequently.
Interested applicants, who should be SSIEM members, should send a brief (2 pages) curriculum vitae with a cover letter detailing their reasons for interest in this position, including:
Experience of inherited metabolic disease (number of years and role/discipline)
List of publications as first or corresponding author
Peer review experience
Any previous editorial experience (including as communicating editor of JIMD)
The position is voluntary and not subject to any remuneration.
Applications should be addressed to the Editors in Chief of JIMD/JIMD Reports (, and the deadline for receipt of applications is 30 April 2022.
Shamima Rahman, Matthias Baumgartner, Eva Morava, Marc Patterson, Verena Peters,
and Johannes Zschocke